Café Games: Lost Cities, Bluff, Canal Grande

I met up with some of my friends yesterday for couple of hours of gaming. Unfortunately only two of them showed up in the end, but we had two hours of fun and games anyway. And I had a wonderful and very tasty chicken bread, too. Try it, if you ever happen to visit Klubi at Tampere…

Games of the evening were Lost Cities, Bluff and Canal Grande.

I started and ended the evening with Lost Cities — I teached it to Olli before Ville came and to Ville after Olli left. Of course I won both games, but that happens a lot when teaching. Olli played a tighter game, but in the other hand, I managed to do a 40-point expedition in that game…

Then came two games of 3-player Bluff. We started both games with 9 dice each to make it more interesting. I won the first one — when Olli went out, I had a huge lead, but eventually it did come down to 1-1 which I won. In the second game, I was first one out and Olli was able to win the game.

Then Olli left and I played two games of Canal Grande with Ville. I still can’t say whether I like it or not. Next time, I know, I’ll be trying the original rule (as revealed by Aaron Weissblum, one of the game’s designers, on Spielfrieks list) of not requiring a matching district card to join the vote. That should prevent forced victories in situations where one player has all cards for a district.

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