
The guys at BoardGameGeek have done a radio show. You can download the mp3 from Aldie’s GeekJournal, it’s about 16 megs and 61 minutes. I wasn’t going to listen to it first, but then Iain said it was ok. I got it on my portable mp3 player and listened to it at work while I was collecting books at the storage. It was fun. The dynamic duo of Derk Solko and Scott Alden are indeed quite fun and their guest, Greg Schloesser of IGAs and West Bank Gamers was quite interesting. It sure was nice to hear the voices of such notable gamers.

It’s a bit of a trouble to download it and then listen to it, but I reckon it’s well worth it. They keep up the pace well and I do hope they give it another go.

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2 responses to “GeekSpeak”

  1. Hey, Mikko! Glad to hear you listed to the GeekSpeak program. I actually had a LOT of fun doing the show, and I hope they have me back as a guest soon.
    Will you be attending the Spiele Faire in Essen this year?

  2. Unfortunately, no. I got a job too late: I’d have money, but it’s just too late to make travel arrangements.
    Next year, I tell you, next year. I’m saving money already so unless I’m somehow occupied I’ll be there…