Tag: Bug Bluff

  • Bug Bluff, Doom, Industrial Waste

    I’ve been writing little game reviews recently. When I spend most of my time at the computer writing, that isn’t the most attractive way to spend my free time, right? However, now I just had to get these few games out of my system. Bug Bluff — This must be one of the pretties card…

  • Boardgame club session: Doom, Cluzzle

    Last month we had a record-breaking crowd, now just few players. Such is fortune, waxing and waning. Perhaps the international film festival had something to do with the smaller attendance. We had enough people to play games, and that’s quite enough. We started the games with Bug Bluff. A deck of 64 bug cards (eight…

  • Gone fishing with the bugs

    I got review copies of new Marektoy releases. Torakkapokeri aka Bug Bluff aka Kakerlaken-Poker is a very simple game of bluffing. Players give cards to other players face down, claiming them to be something — the player in the receiving end can either take and believe, take and doubt or pass on. Correct guess means…