Tag: Canal Mania

  • Canal Mania 1.5

    Just a quick note: we played another game of Canal Mania yesterday and used 1.5 edition rules — that is basic first edition rules, with canal scoring from the second edition. When you build a canal, you score the value of the contract immediately. Because that racks up points faster than usual, the goal is…

  • Canal Mania

    Canal Mania is better, when everybody has some idea on how to play and manages to create a decent network of canals. We played a good game yesterday, despite the lack of training – I gave my mother and Ismo the game to learn, but they were busy with all sorts of shady ditch business…

  • Interested in new games

    I’ve been living in a gaming void… Excluding the play-by-web games, the Bezique match is the only game I’ve played since Anni was born. It’s still a bit hectic to go out and play, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about games. I’ve found Günter Cornett’s Greentown and I’m seriously thinking about buying it.…

  • Canal Mania back in favour

    My opinion of Canal Mania seems to shift after every game. Now I like the game again! We played the game yesterday with the four of us (my mother, Ismo and Severi). With three newbies, we were still able to finish the game in 90 minutes after I broke the 50 points. It was a…

  • Thursday session: Wabash Cannonball, Canal Mania

    Oops. I noticed I had missed blogging our previous Thursday game session. You see, I got sick (stomach flu, fortunately Johanna and Nooa avoided the same bug) the night after that, so I had something else to think about for a while… But here it is, just in time before our next session! After a…

  • Thursday session: Race for the Galaxy and Canal Mania

    We started the session with Race for the Galaxy. Our game took something like 40 minutes this time, so it’s getting faster, perhaps. I went with the novelty goods, as my start cards were bent that way. I got a pretty good engine going there, with Consume: Trade producing a hefty pile of cards and…

  • New games in the collection

    I got my copy of Race for the Galaxy yesterday. It looks pretty nifty, though the art is perhaps a bit dark. Then again, I suppose it is dark in space… I’m glad the cards are of decent size, so they work well with card protectors — I’m hoping to play the game that much.…